the United States subprime home loans crisis affect the possibility of the real economy, home loan modification, homes equity

A subprime mortgage crisis:
the United States subprime home loans crisis affect the possibility of the real economy
Subprime mortgage crisis stems from the volatility of the entity economy, and in turn may from housing investment and consumer two aspects have an important impact on the entity economy. First of all, subprime mortgage crisis may have more from supply and demand of house prices falling pressure. On the one hand, the proportion of foreclosures improve means that lenders may dispose of more houses as collateral or have more borrowers are required to sell their house, this will increase the supply of houses; On the other hand, for credit risk control, the lender may raise lending rates by or raise lending standards and compressed size of credit, which will bring about a housing demand inhibition. Supply and demand increased prices fall further reduce common form of pressure, and these are all likely to have in housing investment negative effects. Second, the subprime loans may be through the two aspects of consumption negative effects. On one hand, subprime home loans is not all the low-income borrowers, including a part to moderate income group, this part of the people to the influence of consumer debt relative to low-income people even more significant; On the other hand, collateral rights withdraw (mortgage equity withdrawals, MEW) shall account for the proportion of consumption from 2005 began to drop, if this trend continues, will be a significant impact on the American consumption. Collateral rights is to point to the borrower has withdrawn as collateral for the house ownership, with higher value of mortgage loan for existing mortgage refinancing, and this part of the refinancing amount is very part were the borrower for consumption, to a certain extent by American consumption. Subprime home loans to the U.S. housing crisis investment and consumer impact is possible through the way such as export conduct in other countries, especially for the United States highly dependent on exports of the country.