2008 capital market prospect, home loan modification, homes equity, load rates, lic home loan


Looking ahead to 2008 capital market, gem, the over-the-counter market, margin, index futures, B shares will speed up the reform; The development of company bonds will gradually formed the pattern of the layered management risk; Mutual fund further development, but to its trading strategy implement effective guidance and management; Private equity fund further expand and become an important force in the market, and promote the sound market; The securities market supervision and other financial department of supervision coordination will gradually be improved; Fiscal policy and monetary policy coordination improved.
The earlier period, the development of the stock market is more of the market system to the premium reflects process, this process will gradually convergence; In the future, inflation management should be replaced economic growth and become preferred macroeconomic policy goals, asset prices by system constraints, will remain inflation trend; Further internal institutional change and external severe environmental change will bring new challenges for investment, as investors management uncertainty provides new opportunity and means.
The various factors effect, A share market remains back to the previous high, even the motivation and could hit A new high. But due to the economic growth fluctuate, growth in the second half of the year will be significantly decrease; Strengthen macro-control, and difficult to forecast; The external market volatility aggravate, increasing the market operation of the complexity factors will influence in 2008 of China's capital market. Thus, in 2008 China continued to hold A share position, and is still A major investment strategy, but the adjustment of the stage is necessary, the quarter will still maintain relative stability; 3-5 month is the subprime loan risk concentration release period, suggest holdings; After three quarters, the uncertain factors of market will be gradually clear.