ar filter,sharp air purifier, sharp air purifiers - what is the Air purifier

Air purifier (also called "the air cleaner", air is fresh machine), it is to point to to adsorption, decomposition or transformation of various kinds of air pollutants (general including dust, pollen, peculiar smell, such as formaldehyde decorate pollution, bacteria, allergen, etc), effectively improve air cleanliness.
Air purifier principle of work?
Filter according to a principle of work are divided into two categories:
The first categories: passive purification class (mesh purification class) main principle is: use the fan will air pumped in machine, through the mesh of built-in filter air, main can rise the filter dust, peculiar smell, toxic gas and kill the role of bacteria.
The second categories: active purification class (no mesh type)
The main principle is to use the silver ions technology, anion technology, low temperature plasma technology, smooth accelerant technology and net ion group of ion technology, kill bacteria, decompose harmful gas.
The third categories: double purification class (active purification + passive purification)
This kind of product is combined with the former two purification technology, double purify air.
The air purifier classification:
Currently on the market filter are divided into five: filter scrubbers, electronic dust collection scrubbers, oxygen scrubbers, chemical preparation scrubbers, WanLiDa photocatalytic scrubbers
1: filter scrubbers:
Function: use of HEPA filters filter air, or add active carbon adsorption.
Inadequate: to dust particles such as effective, the harmful gas have certain effect, but both are easy to saturation; Such as formaldehyde to decorate pollution treatment effect little effect, can't kill bacteria.
2: electronic dust collection scrubbers
Function: through the high pressure electric field to absorb dust, sterilization.
Inadequate: metal dust collection plate dusty easily saturated failure, the harmful gas has not seen the effect.
3: oxygen scrubbers
Function: in general only equipped with anion generator
Inadequate: small volume, price low, basic without air purification effect
4: chemical preparation scrubbers
Function: add formaldehyde capture agent, the use of its dilute the formaldehyde in air.
Inadequate: need regular add water and capture agent, the use of trouble, easy cause secondary pollution, basic ability to germs not kill.
5: WanLiDa air filter, air purifier products and comprehensive expression of innovators
Function characteristics: WanLiDa air purifier using the most advanced international photocatalytic technology, modern pentathlon, decompose harmful gas, the sterilization, XiaoYanChuChen, eliminate peculiar smell, release negative oxygen ion. Is the perfect air purification one-stop solution.
What is the photocatalytic technology?
Photocatalytic technology is through the specific wavelength light ray nano photocatalytic board, produce hydrogen and oxygen free radical OH, has the strong oxidation reduction ability, high efficiency air decomposition the harmful components, with strong sterilization, deodorant, mouldproof, antifouling consecrated themselves, purify air function. Colleagues, photocatalytic avirulent and harmless, through the American FDA certificate, has been widely used in food, medicine, cosmetics, etc. Various kinds of fields, by the world authoritative experts known as: "world most ideal sterilization purify new technology".
WanLiDa air purifier, used to photocatalytic technology as the core of the five big purification system and eight heavy layer purification technology that can completely purify indoor air, build a breath of the original ecological environment, make people far away from the hubbub, transparence service would dream of fresh air, so be eager to healthy breathing modern elite favorite.
Air purifier, of the modern life the fifth largest demand
Color TV sets, refrigerators, air conditioners and washing machines, meet the modern family for more entertainment, more comfortable, more convenient life requirement, we become the every family must be four home appliance. At the same time, healthy breathing environment more and more new demands for the modern family, the relevant experts predict, improve air quality air conditioners will become the fifth largest modern family home appliance.
The emergence of WanLiDa air purifier, just catering to the pursuit of high quality life urbanite, thirst for respiratory health, are looking for the color TV sets, refrigerators, air conditioners and washing machines after four traditional home appliance the fifth home appliance demand.