Housing loan operation, new home loans, home loan application

Q: I am looking for loan company, excuse me house payment program has several steps?
Answer: the next table for housing loans to apply for loans to the situation after work, to help you understand the housing loan program. 
Loan application-> review: a credit report-> continue: appraisal; Property rights; Open a notary accounts-> loan files-> lenders signed
Step one application for a loan
First of all, and loan specialist is your loan demand and personal financial situation negotiation to select and apply for personal loan program, according to choose loan plan related document material, such as income, liabilities, assets, for application for a loan. Complete and detailed loan will help speed up the loan information operations. For smoothly of loans to audit, your loan commissioner may apply for a loan to you ask for information about the proof document. The bank also will provide you loan fees and loans that estimate conditions. 
Step 2 review
Loan audit to your application form carries the information, documents, credit record as the basis. Loan approval conditions, such as must provide other documents or instructions, such approval conditions in the loan must be completed before. In some cases, ShenPiRen in preparation for the final loan files before, will require the applicant to complete the loan requirements. 
Step 3 the loan
After approved loans will order the procedures, ready to loan.
This procedure include the following:
Property evaluation, open an account, property verification, notarization coordination and prepare to loan files, and determined the already fully comply with loan approval conditions. 
In this one phase, debit, real estate brokers, the assessor, loan specialist, credit reporting company, property company and notary company, must keep a close contact.
Loan plan is different, and the required documents that is different.
Step 4 loan signing the document and lending
Loan approval and necessary conditions to meet, loan files will be ready and send to the notary company, signed by you. Loan signing the document by single, to abandon with mortgage, and other relevant legal documents. 
The file and the bank to read. If the file sign, conditions meet, loan will be sent to the property company, and lending. 
Loan finished! 
Enjoy your new house and loans, please and family members and friends to share your loan experience, we are looking forward to also can provide the house loan services.
Q: I live in New York, your bank in the new state, excuse me whether facilitate loans?
A: please don't need to worry about. Modern communication so developed, telephone, fax, E-mail together, save time and effort. Even if the author's bank in the new state, many new state customers also hear its voice not only for its face. Also, the author has been in Florida and California do loan.