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Mortgage term
ABA-Australia bankers association
ABIO-Australian bank industry research association
Accelerated payment (Accelerated repayment)-choose improve payments to shorten with a term.
Acceptance (accepted)-agreed to the terms of the contract.
Account fees (Account fees)-to pay or part of the payment of the lenders internal loan management cost.
Accrued interest (natural increase interest)-has happened but has not yet been pay interest.
Add securities (loan collateral)-to ensure that the loans to pay off before the interests of the lenders mortgage assets. Usually in the home as a loan collateral.
Adjustments (fees liquidation)-in the closing date to the seller's failure to use but has been paid and the buyer not yet used but will be asked to pay fee (municipal fee, electricity, telephone, water) dispatch.
Agent (Agent)-personal or institutions entrusted represented clients in real estate business and management.
Allotment (make use of space)-in large division of land out of a field.
Amortization period (in installment reimbursement deadline)-the provisions for a period must pay off the loan.
Annual percentage rate (Annual interest)-published the interest rate.
Application fee (the Application fee)-to pay or part of the payment of the lenders for real estate to apply for a loan to buy a person inside the cost of approval.
Appraised value (value)-as the mortgage of the real estate loans to the estimate value.
Arrears (owe)-has not been paid to a default payment.
Assets (Assets)-currency, property and have items.
At call (drawings account) in the bank in the immediate withdrawal account.
AMT-automatic teller machine.
Auction (Auction)-public property sales, the ownership of the offer is expected in price, with the highest bidding price.
BAD (Bank Account Debits Tax) (Bank Account withdrawal fee)-the state (in addition to ACT outside) to check Account fund request to the collection of taxes.
Bad Debt (Bad)-take chances very low or has been unable to pay off for the loss of the project of the bills.
Balance sheet (asset Balance sheet)-show enterprise assets, liabilities, and owner's equity of the Balance sheet.
Balloon payment (to pay off the mortgage)-large reimbursement in settlement of all borrowed loans.
Bank cheque (Bank note)-point to only from you belong in the Bank funds withdrawal check.
Banker opinion (bank evaluation)-a bank to another bank lending credit investigation customers.
Bankruptcy (Bankruptcy)-debt will enter the property under the command.
Bearer (holder)-to the bank to present the the cheque.
Bill of sale (sales single)-items/property ownership transfer but the original owner has still can keep the item/property.
Body corporate (building management company)-in multi-storey building unit owner in of management company. They are responsible for the management of public area in the building.
Bridging finance (transition financing)-short-term loans for selling old house property purchased between new property for financing.
Building regulations (Building rules)-local city councils all along the construction quality control for the standard.
Capital gain (value-added Capital)-due to sell the price higher than buying price assets and profits.
Capital gains tax (Capital value added tax)-in September 1985 after the federal government to asset sales appreciation part of the extra tax.
Capped loan (interest seal top loan)-loan interest is set in a period of no more than a 28-month high, but different from fixed interest loans, can be changed.
Caveat (Latin, meaning beware, vigilance)-usually used in terms of the contract to an item of special requirements.
Caveat emptor-Latin, meaning "the buyer should pay attention to."
Certificate of title (land)-show housing land area, have a debt and whether the property right belongs to the file.
Chattels (property)-for personal property. Include two kinds. A real estate (real chattels) refers to the houses and the interior of the building of the fixed device. A movable property for individuals to clothing and furniture.
Cluster housing (housing group of)-in the same space in a group of house.
Commission (Commission) for the sale of property by the vendor to estate business pay fee.
Common property (public housing)-the team rather than personal use area, the person that buy a house share ownership.
Company title (Company property)-real estate property rights for all.
Comparison rate (compare rates)-consumer rights in the name of the law annual interest rate and accumulate frequency.
Compound interest (accumulate interest)-according to the original principal along with accumulative total interest to come together to repay the loan interest should be calculations.
Consumer Credit Code (Consumer rights act)-parliament the coordinated management for loan party and the relationship between the lenders bill.
Contract (Contract)-individual or entity signed between the legal effect of a compulsory license. Real estate transactions, in the deposit contract pay for the exchange.
Contract of sale (sales Contract)-provisions of buying and selling real estate terms and conditions of the written agreement.
Conveyancing (over)-the real estate ownership over to a legal process.
Countersigned (sign)-to ensure the effectiveness of the documents signed by extra.
Covenant (contract)-about using a piece of land or land building in the prescribed conditions and terms.
Cover note (temporary insurance policy)-in formal property insurance before the commencement of the temporary insurance.
CRAA (Credit Reference Association of Australia) (Australia Credit research Association)-master all have the lending on the history of the prestige records details.
To loan)-to lenders to borrow according to certain conditions returned to borrow money. Or to pay a sum of jehu enter an item in an account.
Credit limit (loan limit)-a period the borrower can use the maximum amount.
Creditor (loan) party-capital owner.
Crossed cheque (transfer check)-a cheque has two parallel lines to show the cheque can only be used to enter into an account, and cannot be exchanged for cash.
Daily interest (th interest)-by the day as the unit of interest calculation. According to the daily account surplus changed.
Debit (debited)-will be credited to a certain amount of withdrawals account.
Debtor (debit)-borrowers, debtors.
Deed (contract)-about real estate agreement or contract legal documents.
Default (Default)-not according to the scheduled time to repay the loan.
Deposit bonds (advance Deposit)-to ensure the acquirer provisions in real estate date will pay the full advance payment. Provide a party deposit as payment guarantor. In the short term without enough cash deposit under the condition of the commonly used as reimbursement guarantee.
Direct credit facility (directly transfer)-the AIM a business, the customer can directly from the salary will be money into the mortgage payments account.
Draw down (use overdraw account)-the effective loans in the use of funds and, in particular, the use of account to overdraw.
Early termination payment (borrowed ahead of fee)-the cost of pay off the loan Early.
Easement (a right of way)-in others on land right of way.
EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)-money from one account to another Electronic Transfer account.
Encumbrance (debt, arrears)-a property on attached to the unpaid expenses and debts.
Endorse (endorsement)-on the back of the cheque confirmation the transfer of ownership.
Equity (net assets)-actual have asset amount.
Equity loan (net assets loan)-to have the property of a mortgage loan value.
Equity mortgage (net assets mortgages)-to have assets (usually for real estate) part of the value of mortgage loans.
ERIC Effective Rate of Interest Plus Costs-cost Plus Interest of Effective price.
Establishment fees (loan set up fee)-for a loan lenders party application may charge or not charge fees.
ETIA Early Termination Interest Adjustments-advance owing on the loan Interest adjustment.
Exchange of contract (Exchange contracts)-the parties Exchange documents and began to discuss the delivery of related matters.
FID (Financial Institutions Duty) (Financial Institutions tax)-the government of Financial Institutions to the collection of income tax.
Fittings (additional device)-refers to the real estate additional devices, if dismantling, won't cause any damage to the estate.
Fixed interest (Fixed rates)-a agreement within the time limit Fixed interest rates.
Fixtures (fixed device)-refers to the real estate Fixtures, if dismantling, house property damage. Dismantling these devices must be clearly in the contract, and the seller shall be responsible for any damage to the repair the cause.
Freehold (completely keep property)-land and land on permanent residence for all the owner.
Frozen account (Frozen account)-account for all transactions be suspended.
Garnishee (the ShiYi)-will some or all of the money or property legally transfer to other people.
Gearing (lending ratio)-in a investment in their own money, and the proportion of borrowed money.
Guarantee (Guarantee)-to the terms of the contract form to the commitment of the constraints.
Guarantor (security)-a agree to guarantee the other side of the payment.
High start loan (High starting point loan)-the initial loan repayment is higher, and then decrease payments.
Highest bid (maximum also dish)-in a sale of the Highest bidders offer is put forward. If the offer is not reach the predetermined prices and housing not clinch a deal, the highest also set out the seller consultation houses and enjoy the right of priority.
Holding deposit (deposit)-said the buyer purchase sincerity deposit, is returned.
ILR (Indicator Lending Rate) (Lending Rate index)-base Rate. Floating, fixed and overdraw of interest are in its plan based.
Inclusions (appendages)-housing affiliated facilities. Such as lamps and lanterns, stove, etc.
Income statement (Income details)-a period of time, usually for a year, Income and expenditure of the schedule.
Interest (Interest)-lenders use of funds party the fees charged, or deposit deposit returns. See, interest.
Interest only (only paying Interest)-usually refers to the short-term inside reimbursement is not only Interest principal.
Interest only loan (only paying Interest loans)-in the loan period only pay Interest, the principal in loans out when they returned. The loan is usually one to five years of short-term loans.
Internal rate of return (Internal rate of return)-a investment (or loans) returns, including funds of the current value of the calculation and the period of the difference between the value of factors. Going to happen after the discount cash flow is the present value of the investment or loans for the cost.
Inventory (list)-houses and in the house the including items, such as furniture, can move the list of items.
Joint tenants (common purchasers)-two or more than two house purchasers held together. If one death, his/her rights to the rest of the transfer to the purchaser.
Land tax (Land taxes)-the government to higher than stipulated value housing of all the people to the collection of tax. If real estate is the main from houses, can avoid the tax.
Lease (Lease)-at a time, in accordance with the provisions of the terms and conditions of the building file.
Liabilities (debt)-someone's arrears and Liabilities.
Lien (Lien)-as a loan or mortgage arrears of the ownership of the house.
Line of to loans)-provisions loan limit, by the customer to choose other conditions of the loan types.
Loan pre-alpha-the approval (Loan approval in advance)-in a bid to building borrowers bid before the Loan has been approved.
Loan security duty (Loan mortgage tax)-mortgage stamp duty.
Loan to valuation ratio (LVR) (Loan and guaranty amount ratio)-borrowing amount with the mortgaged property (usually refers to the house) value ratio.
LoDoc loan-AIMS of one type of loan. This business is specially appropriate in can't produce complete financial documents are self-employed loan applicant.
Low start loan (lower starting point loan)-the initial loan repayment is Low, and then increased payments.
Margin (profit)-loan party interest index (or other parameters) and actual charge borrowers, the difference between interest rates.
Maturity (expire)-a loan or investment should be fully repaid the date of the settlement.
Max loan amount (maximum loan)-the maximum loan.
Max LVR (highest loan amount and mortgage rates)-can borrow loans accounted for loan collateral (usually refers to the houses of the values of the highest ratio.
Max term (the longest time limit)-home loans or part of the longest time limit of the home loans.
Min fixed amount (minimum fixed interest loan)-the minimum loan fixed interest loans.
Min lump sum payment (minimum large payments)-the large amount of the minimum sum payments.
Min redraw amount (minimum payment extraction forehead)-from loan repayment of the minimum amount of withdrawals.
Monthly fees (Monthly)-to pay lenders Monthly internal loan management costs.
Mortgage (mortgages)-to real estate loans as the mortgaged property. If people can't pay the mortgage loan, a mortgage loan and accept will have right to real property confiscated.
Mortgage manager (Mortgage manager)-responsible for overall management of the borrower.
Mortgage originator (Mortgage lenders)-will Mortgage of funds raised used as loans or wholesale lenders retail.
Mortgagee (lenders)-will take out a party funds.
Negative gearing (Negative lending rate)-investment returns for the investment to offset enough the interest on loans.
New start-AIMS of one type of loan. This business is applicable to bad loans have recorded the lender.
Offer to purchase (purchase Offer)-indicate a real estate purchase price of the legal agreement.
Old system title (Common law title) (formerly the execution of the land act)-a series of property ownership documents, straight back to the original property all people.
Ombudsman (research association)-Australian bank industry research association, the main function is to accept customer complaints to the bank, and independent justice to solve the problem.
Ongoing fee (management fee)-during loan of collection of regular management fee.
Option to buy (purchase Option)-pay a fee for a period of time after a purchase price shall be entitled to have a certain items have legal effectiveness files.
Overdraft (advance)-the predefined to withdraw more than the rest of the amount limit of the account.
Overseas borrower program (Overseas loans)-AIMS of one type of loan. Apply to the Australian people in residential real estate investment in Australia.
Passed in (keep not clinch a deal the house)-houses when bid fails to reach the auction as the seller predetermined prices, housing will be preserved.
Payee (Payee)-check the Payee, can is a person or an organization.
Plan (plans)-indicate the building layout, the area size and its position of illustrations.
Portability (transfer)-loans approved in advance from a property to another house property to avoid being on government loans mortgage tax again.
Principal (Principal)-loan Principal amount. Interest based on this calculation.
Principal and interest loan (Principal and interest loans)-in during loan should repay the Principal and interest to pay off.
Private sale (Private sale)-not through the estate business directly sell their house.
Private treaty sale (sell Private agreement)-both parties after consultation on price sell houses.
Redraw facility (extract more reimbursement function)-people can have the reimbursement from the extraction of repayment of capital they need.
Redraw fee (extraction and KuanFei)-in extracting more money of the part of the reimbursement costs of.
Refinancing (plus loans/ZhuanDai)-from the same agency or the other institutions loans to replace or increase the existing loans.
Requisitions on title (real right requirements)-property ownership buy direction the seller requires additional information.
Reserve price (predetermined prices)-the seller of the set of acceptance of the auction price.
Right of way (Right)-through others use land property or other rights of the channel.
Rise and fall clause (price floating terms)-building is allowed in the contract according to the material and the final price of salary floating up and down the terms of the adjustment.
Search (survey)-make sure house the seller can legally sell the property, and in the house property name without any not liquidation investigation.
Securitisation (mortgage guarantee)-will be different forms of assets, such as different housing loans into tradable bonds, investors can buy and then its business.
Security (pawn)-in loans before pay off, over to lenders as mortgage of property. Usually use building for a loan collateral.
Semi-detached (half a separation)-share the same side more than two side walls or house.
Settlement date (delivery day)-new property all Settlement of payment got all the ownership of all the date.
Signatory (signature)-be authorized to use a account.
Split fixed/variable (fixed/floating interest mixed account)-account of the different part in different amount of deposit to pay interest. If the first 1000 yuan in fixed interest rate, the second 1000 yuan to a floating interest rate.
Stamp duty on transfer (transfer Stamp duty)-due to sell the property and the government the price evaluation and the tax.
Tepped (ladder account)-account of the different part in different amount of deposit to pay interest. As the first $1000 to two percent computation, the second 1000 yuan to three percent computation.
Strata title (unit land)-have a large buildings a unit of the ownership. All people have the right to sell, lease, transfer. And become a member of the building management company.
Stratum title (unit land)-have a large buildings a unit of the ownership. And different strata title, and all will be management of public area the shareholders of a company, and not just its members.
Survey (measured appraisal)-marked a building in a piece of land on location and boundary of the chart.
Susceptibility report (white ants report)-show that building the future could be affected by white ants erosion of the report.
Tenants in common (joint purchasers)-by two or more than two people equal or not equal hold the property. If a party death, real estate will press the deceased's intend to distribution and not to be automatic transfer to the other party joint purchase.
Term (loan maturities)-housing loan or loan for a part of the deadline.
Term deposit (regular savings)-also called interest account-this regularly savings account deposits, interest rates and the deposit period are fixed.
Title search (surety survey)-to ensure the seller has the right to sell property and transfer ownership.
Torrens title (land with the land)-to a housing and land ownership record. Said in the law has the right to rent, sale or disposal of house property according to their own will. Also known as surety proof.
Town house (independent two layer buildings apartment)-usually refers to the two layers of residential building, no real estate.
Transfer (Transfer)-in the administration of land registration files, confirmed that the land and property Transfer of ownership.
Unencumbered (cleaning house property)-with no debt means, arrears and the houses of the restrictions.
Valuation (appraisal)-lenders to the requirements of the house price of professional assessment report.
Variable interest rate (floating rate)-according to market interest rate changes.
Vendor (the seller)-sell their house party.
Vendor statement (the seller) that-seller of show about housing materials instructions.
Villa (Villa)-a layer of independent housing.