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Mortgage note
(1) apply for loans to follow
In applying for personal housing loan, when the borrower should own current economic strength, reimbursement ability to make the correct judgment, and at the same time for your future income and expenditure to make the right, objective forecast. Generally speaking, from his own age, record of formal schooling, the profession that pursues the industry foreground, unit properties factor analysis from already the expected income trend, and take into account future big spending factors, just can be carefully determine loan amount, loan term and reimbursement way, according to their income level design repayment plan, and leave room appropriate.
(2) do mortgage to choose good loans the bank
To a borrower is, if you buy a house or is secondhand the room, can choose the bank loans. Mortgage bank service more varieties of fine, you will get the flexibility of personal financial services, and plenty of service and product portfolio.
(3) to select the most suitable reimbursement way
The content of the last section has been more detailed introduces the present several major reimbursement way, for each borrower is, with bank loan contracts signed in, must first to these reimbursement means understanding, to determine the most suitable reimbursement way, because reimbursement way once in the contract, in the general borrowing was during the may not change.
(4) to Banks to provide information to the truth
Apply for personal housing commercial loans, Banks generally require the borrower to provide economic income proof, for personally, shall provide true personal career, positions and recent economic income proof. Because if your income no to achieve a certain level, and you don't have enough ability still borrow, but exaggerate their income level, is likely to happen in the early breach owing on the loan, and the bank's survey confirmed that you provide false evidence, can make the bank to your credibility greatly reduced, thus affecting his application for a loan.
(5) provide I address to accurate, timely
The borrower to provide to the bank's address accurate, convenient to being linked to the bank, the bank can send every month received on time of reimbursement requisition. Meet people's bank loan interest rate adjustment, you can receive a bank earlier this year in the adjustment of the notice sent interest rates. Special remind borrowers to pay attention, when you move new residence, must will new address, contact way inform the loan bank. Otherwise, the borrower once get loans the bank notice, it will cause unnecessary trouble.
(6) monthly payments on time to avoid penalty interest
To a borrower is, once with a bank loan contract, should have in signing a month of the first deposit in full reimbursement specified reimbursement account you for the bank processing, because the month following the loans from the date that you enter insults, monthly agreement should press the next, entrust loan Banks from their deposit account or credit card accounts to be automatic deductions, to a borrower is, must be in monthly payments agreed upon in the contract pay attention to your own reimbursement account before whether there is enough money, prevent due to his negligence and breach penalty by the bank.
(7) the person that buy a house to return a house to remove the loan contract shall be separately
[example] in 2002, Mr. Li and a real estate company signed a contract, buy 1 set of housing, head of that 400000 yuan. Since then Mr. Li and to mortgage loan bank loans nearly 1 million yuan or so, all the payment to the real estate company are paid.
Mr. Li found that after this property has a lot of problems, hence TuiYi initiation. After repeatedly and real estate company diplomacy, and through various ways and methods, real estate company to agree to Mr. Li check-out. In February 2004, both sides sign the agreement, developers will Mr. Li all returned to his head, and gave Mr. Li certain compensation, but both sides does not have talked about the problem of bank loans.
Mr. Li think that even if the job done, not notify the bank namely stop pay a mortgage loans. After a few months, the bank found Mr. Li stop reimbursement, the survey. Mr. Li says it has with the developers to cancel the contract, and is thus the loan contract between the bank shall also be relieved. But the bank be declined, and made clear to indict Mr. Li, for the return all remaining loan principal.
Mortgage loan contract conclusion, is based on the contract for the sale of commodity is the premise for valid formation. But, the loan contract and is not building business contract from the contract, not completely attached to the sale and purchase contract. If only the parties to negotiate destroy building business the effectiveness of the contract, the loan contract does not follow disappear effect. The loan contract effectiveness is continue to exist, rely on the contract both sides is the person that buy a house and the meaning of the bank. If the person that buy a house with reimbursement ability, so the loan contract could still survives. For example in the check-out, development business is getting all the stream to the buyers, of course, the person that buy a house you should put all of the bank loan principal and interest remaining restore bank.
If the parties can remove at will building business contract, and in its authenticity, legality, validity are uncertain, the loan contract effectiveness disappears, and those who show the bank loan behavior more will cabin push out, can see the bank loan risks are enormous.
But if it is through the lawsuit and arbitration way makes building business contract shall be invalid, cancellation, termination, the situation is different. The case, is through the national judicial behavior causes the building business contract effectiveness disappear. Building business contract effectiveness disappearance, process can be sure it is true, lawful and effective. This case, the person that buy a house loan contract has cannot achieve purpose. At this time the person that buy a house is lost their homes, and no hold loans, if continue to the bank to pay off a loan principal and interest, obviously is very fair. So, the judicial interpretation "regulation can remove loans in accordance with the contract.
So, the person that buy a house through legal procedures to the judicial confirmation building business contract effectiveness the disappearance of the authenticity, legality, validity, the person that buy a house or bank also must again through judicatory way to end the proposed that will lift the loan contract, the remaining loan principal and interest by the developer to assume. If not this way, or does not put forward to this contract claims, the loan contract still maintain validity, the person that buy a house should still to the bank to pay.
Mr. Li JiFeiDanDa this tragic circumstances do? The lawyers think, Mr. Lee can file a suit again, request the court to confirm the sale and purchase contract has been true, lawful, effectively remove, and remove contract for loan, thus exempt from surplus loan debt.
7 don't:
(1) not to use accumulation fund loan application before
If the borrower loan reserve fund in before storage balance to pay for the house money, then you accumulation fund accounts of accumulation fund balance that is zero, this accumulation fund loan amounts for zero also, this means that you will not apply for accumulation fund loan.
(2) in the loan repayment ahead of the first years don't
According to the relevant provisions of the bank loans, part should be in full repayment ahead of the loan a year to put forward, and the amount you return should be more than 6 months of payments.
(3) payments have difficulty don't forget to look for the bank around
When you within the borrowing time limit solvency down, still borrowing have difficulty, don't go yourself. The bank to bank customers can extend the time limit borrowing put forward application, the bank's survey are correct, and no default on the loan should also principal, interest. The bank will accept your extended term loan application. But, borrowing time limit according to regulations change only commonly can deal with a.
(4) rental housing loans after don't forget to tell obligation
When you during loan rent is mortgaged houses, must will have mortgage fact notify the lessee.
(5) don't forget to pay off the loan after cancellation mortgage
When you paid off all loan principal and interest, can hold the loan to the bank settlement of proof of the mortgaged property and real estate he a right to house property proof of area, county of real estate trade center revoked mortgage.
(6) don't lose loan contract and evidence of debt
Apply for a mortgage loan, the bank and the loan contract signing you obtained and are important legal documents. Due to the time limit for the loan can be up to 30 years, as the borrower, you shall keep your contract and evidence of debt, and carefully read the terms of the contract, aware of their rights and obligations.
(7) advance owing on the loan, don't forget to return to your insurance premium
Buying a house for mortgage loan, a lot of people for a variety of reasons, in advance can repay all loans. At this moment you don't forget to go to the insurance company return period of the insurance premium in advance.
In the borrower repays ahead after all loans, lenders will also returned to the borrower by lending institutions were always keeping the individual housing loan housing insurance policy original. And because the borrower in the original loan has paid off when the term of the loan all insurance premium, reason former personal housing loan housing insurance contract has terminated at this time. According to relevant regulations, borrowers may carry insurance policy original and pay off the loan early proof, go to the insurance company by the month in advance of the refund of premium.
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