How to Choose Suitable Housing Loans, new home loans, home loan application, repair loan


How to select the suitable way home loans
Abstract: with the reform and opening up the development of economy, people's living standards improved, and at the same time, house prices are continuously improve the, buy a house became people today in the life most difficult task, so, buy a house need loans, face on the market at present the main three forms of lending, this paper describes in detail all the source of the loan, the method, give you residents a final rationalization proposals, according to their specific situation to select the right individual housing loan of form.
Key word: mortgage; Accumulation fund loan; Personal housing loan savings;
How to Choose Suitable Housing Loans
Abstract : With the reform and opening up economic development and improving people's lives, while also constantly raising the price, buy a house has become today's people's lives in the most difficult task, then, buy a house in need of loans when the surface on the current market, the major three kinds of loans, this article describes in detail the various loan sources, methods and give you a final proposal to rationalize the residents, according to their specific situation to select the appropriate individual housing loans for the appropriate form.
Key words: Mortgage; Fund Loan; Personal housing savings and loan;
1. Introduction
With the reform and opening up the development of economy, people's living standards improved, and at the same time, house prices are continuously improve the, buy a house became people today in the life most difficult task, so, this how to buy, when the money is insufficient, how should do?
The abundant funds, nature is will pay all of, also, of course, some people if there is a good investment ways the case, is also very willing to part of the money to borrow. At present, the mortgage is divided into three kinds big, namely personal housing entrust loan, personal housing loan self-support, personal housing loan savings. Among them, the individual housing entrust loan, and calls the loan of housing accumulation fund, to point to a bank according to the housing accumulation fund management commitment to housing accumulation fund deposit for capital source, according to the requirements of the common housing to buy personal loans. Personal housing loan bank credit capital is proprietary source to the person that buy a house personal loans. Also called commercial housing loans. Personal housing loan savings, originated in the European idea, at present the only in tianjin sino-german housing savings bank trial operation.
2. Detailed introduction
From the original from American commercial housing loans, to Singapore's central reserve fund system from the reference to the housing accumulation fund system, and the individual housing loan savings in recent years, more and more with some housing plan of the nature of the financial management, more and more requirements people need to start planning to buy a house after long-term future of individual behavior. House prices affects people's willingness to buy a house, and further influence the choice whether mortgage and choose a a mortgage. But house prices trend in recent years, more and more with policy and the uncertainty of the expected, house prices with sharp fluctuations in the stock market fluctuation, and guide the now such a very blundering market psychology. Market the impetuousness, leading to the people won't be willing to part with or use time, energy, property to plan the future.
Simple analysis, it can be informed, the first commercial housing loans to use up is the most convenient, the required conditions are relatively the lowest, don't need first to prepare, so, most speculators or it is mentality blundering people, mostly choose this plan to do when a way of loan to buy a house. Loan of housing accumulation fund, it is need company as well as individual first to regular monthly capture puts, only after the capture of first, to receive such a personal housing loan than commercial loan interest rates low to the loan of housing accumulation fund loan qualification, as for audit conditions is very much the same. However, housing accumulation fund loan needs to first deposit, but whether to capture puts it on schedule by the lender company to decide, belong to at present company welfare part. The newly launched a mortgage loan scheme, and personal housing loan savings and loan interest rates lower than before both, but the requirement to the first condition strictly. From the point of view of the country, the government tries to control building business market price stability, abandon the speculative buying and selling houses of activities, from policy to encourage people to do the rotational acetabular osteotomy house planning. So, the government also to the loan interest to the actual behavior for support. This kind of rotational acetabular osteotomy mortgage loan plan, direct will an investment to buy a house and buy a house for use rigid demand difference leave, make the planning to buy a house has long-term residents enjoy very low mortgage rates.
The government is planning to buy a house with very support long-term loan. Such as personal housing loan savings. But on a personal housing loan in savings, accord with the first requirement is very early and the difficult of the requirements of the first savings a certain proportion of special deposit, and saving time, for example, time to get a low-interest loan right. Conditions are three kinds of loan demand the most cumbersome, even if finally can get a lower interest rates home loans, people are also drenches exhausted. Moreover, because many conditions, the formalities trival, besides the people could not all are the loan officer general, to make a detailed understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each loan. So, some people would rather choose a save worry save trouble, simple and quick way of loan shu xin, such as personal housing self-supporting loans. But, also some residents with a detailed understanding of the loan of individual housing savings after details, think their own accord with and identity the concept, chose a relative loan interest rates low personal housing loan savings. If themselves have no right or expected return higher investment ways of words, choose a personal housing loan savings, from the rational point is very reasonable and win-win results. For the people don't understand and artificial program trival, need to Banks and government the reasonable business conduct propaganda and promotion. Only in this way can we let really is accord with personal housing loan of savings crowd, to truly understand and agree to choose a personal housing loan way of saving.
Loan of individual housing accumulation fund also reflected the government the "support has long-term planning, in the form of a loan to buy a house of" leading thought. Introducing the idea from Singapore, China's housing accumulation fund system in 1991, took the lead in the Shanghai pilot, then gradually popularized to the whole country. Housing accumulation fund loan interest rate is favorable, reimbursement means such as flexible advantage, and at the same time in raising housing fund, improve worker individual buys a house, builds a house ability, make the building to building welfare distribution monetized distribution change of played a major role. But at present in China, because the accumulation fund loan must be by the enterprise to first decide whether for enterprise employees will capture puts savings, leading to the accumulation fund loan to become part of the enterprise benefit good company employee benefits. Individual capture puts some, enterprise capture puts the rest of the part, the first to form of savings, and eventually led to the enterprise is not willing to for the employees if part of the money of fact-finding accumulation fund capture, personal eventually will not meet in the early stage of accumulation fund loan savings, can also understand for loan of individual housing accumulation fund loan this will not be all residents to enjoy, suggesting that many residents eventually if not to choose a personal housing loan savings, only will choose the rest of the individual housing loan self-support the form.
Personal housing loan self-support, namely the individual housing loan business. This loan method, the most important characteristic is, convenient and quick. And the first two different ways, the forms of lending don't need the upfront anticipation and planning, when temporary need loans, people just need to timely provide relevant proof to the bank certificate, can obtain loans. Such forms of lending loan interest rate in comparison is very high, but a lot of people because do not accord with the former two loans to first savings requirement, also will have to choose this kind of loan.