Air purifier market prospect is going well, standard to be perfect - cleaning air filters, clean air purifier, car air purifier, 2 air filter

Author: sharp air purifier
China air purifier market brand many. According to information, at present the air purifier is home to more than 200 enterprises, to small and medium enterprises, the scale of production into big enterprise less, mainly concentrated in the Yangtze river delta and pearl river delta region. According to the provincial beautiful, group Co., LTD. Marcom LuXin introduction, domestic air purifier renowned brands daya and beauty. After the financial crisis, foreign brand more attention to China's market. Europe and America with red treasure, the main brand electrolux, philips for represent, Japanese, panasonic, sharp brand, etc.
According to the statistical data of kang yi, in June 2010, which respectively by 40.8%, philips, 22.9% of the market share of retail in the top two, ranking third, four of beauty, panasonic, retail share 13.9% and 11.7%, respectively, in the fifth row to the first ten six brand, and the overall market share of less than 8%.
According to information, air purifier in recent years the domestic market is still relatively stable pattern, which has always been in about 40% of the share outshine others. "Beauty in the air purifier field in its early, has more room to rise." LuXin think, 2011 air purifier market in 2010, and won't have too big difference.
With the electrical "reporter interviews a head of the group to which is which is currently working on volume air purifier. The group's official website which data shows, which in 2008 sales of air purifier for 200 million yuan. According to China's market year sales volume 1 million sets estimate, 2010 domestic air purifier in which at least 400000 units sales scale. "Electric" reporter noticed, except management which is the brand, which is still operating group Westinghouse air purifier. According to the "electric" reporter understanding, through the balance point brand (China) Co., LTD, which won the Westinghouse air purifier, humidifier (filling water machine) in the mainland of China brand management authorization. Westinghouse air purifier for sales, which is to say more about personnel. Through the web links which group Westinghouse product page can see, which is currently operating of 4 Westinghouse air purifier, in addition to its unique function except secondhand smoke the WAP-814 outside, the rest of the United States and three Westinghouse website the product model agreement.
Beauty in early June 2003 into the air purifier industry, was developed two product. In July 2005, the formal form air purifier company. "In 2010, the annual output is about 1 million air purifier machine, sales of nearly 400 million yuan, sell for 1:3 proportion." Guangdong beautiful, group Co., LTD ZhouHeng public relations manager told the electric "reporter, beautiful air purifier at present the market share of the sales than at about 15%.
To the electric "reporter song ansheng said, although the air purifier industry enterprise is numerous, but except for a few brand outside, enterprise social popularity general is not high. "The industry pattern change is possible, each enterprise have a chance."
Multiple channels increased demand
"Electric" reporter by observing the Beijing market found, and other electrical appliances product concentrated in gome store chain, su ning, sales is different, the main air purifier in the large market sales.
In May 2011, the electric appliance "reporter in Beijing su ning outwards store to see, which is only sold in the air purifier, panasonic, philips three brand and product, but the selling price in addition to panasonic F-PDA16CG for 1782 yuan outside, other product is in 3000 yuan of above. And the store is only 100 meters away landao mansion in the mall, air purifier in brand and design rich on many, including the daya, philips, ambitious, panasonic, Switzerland, the wind 31 product, price from 1099-11178 yuan. In addition, sparkles with evening lights is located in Beijing metro stores and for the European, 3 M and euramerican brands products sales. According to salesperson introduction parkson, 3000 yuan of the following products are the most popular.
Auric officials told the electric "reporter, at present auric air purifier in su ning, gome store chain, is direct manufacturers, while in the other store is the dealer sales agent, which stores the dealer sales in their choice. But, from the current sales situation, the store's sales YuLianSuo better sells.
Amy's lovely (IQ air) air purifier in business to set up brand shop way sales. The company marketing the person-in-charge of the electric "reporter introduction, ai's lovely air purifier by the end of 2006 to enter the Chinese market, in Beijing, Shanghai, guangzhou, chengdu by the direct selling, at present in the Beijing financial street shopping center, blue harbor, shin heaven and earth, shunyi euro plaza 4 store sales. In 2011, she began to gather in the country's lovely agent business, at present China had more than 10 factories agent. Amy's lovely, country is not into su ning and chain channel sales. The officials say, it has a lot to do with the brand positioning, who's the top brand positioning for lovely, price of product of more than 10000 yuan, and sales well. In 2010, Amy's lovely in Beijing sell 2000.
Su ning electric equipment Co., LTD. Black electricity purchasing management center general manager liu told the electric "reporter, air purifier widespread use of the agent sales model, restricted the into large chain the pace of the channel.
Chain stores in which is covered and shopping malls wider brand. Beijing science and technology Co., LTD. Which is quality director ChenHui think, air purifier in the choice of sales channels, and other electrical appliances product no different, big market sales brand more, manufacturer is considering the factors consumers to buy the convenience. 
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